Story 1: The Regional Science High School Supreme Student Government
Great Ideas, conceptual vision and simple innovations have made our team for what it is today. We may often be called as ‘event organizers’ and rule implementers. But one thing we can say, is that we are unique from other student councils. We are committed to serve the studentry in the best that we can, in helping the students to become more independent. Also, we are committed to lead the school, for it to become the best and model school not only in our region, but even in the whole nation.
We are leaders of Gusa Regional Science High School - X, the center of academic excellence in region X. We are the Supreme Student Government 2014 - 2015 officers. As of now, we have created the CIS (Central Information System) that ensures that the information dissemination is reliable, COCP (Council of Class Presidents) that connects all networks of the school and bridges the students to us, COT (Committee on Transparency) that guards the collection and secures the auditing procedure, and DRAW (Desk on Rights and Welfare) that defends the helpless and invite volunteers advocating for peace.
We believe that nation building is not an individual task, but it is a collaborative effort with great people working for one vision and purpose. We are the Student Government.
Your Voice. Your Government.
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